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Patrick Vierthaler
Chion-in Yūzen-en
知恩院 友禅苑
Yūzen-en is a garden that belongs to Chion-in temple. Entrance can be bought separately or as a set with the Hōjō garden. This garden is rather vast, and consists of at least three areas. The first, a karesansui-style garden, offers several Rhododendron, as well as some early blooming wheeping cherries — that, unfortunately, have severely been trimmed in 2018. The middle area, just by the entrance, consists of a pond. The upper area boasts several smaller tea houses, and invites to stroll around. Entrance to this temple is only 300 Yen.
Admission: open year-round
Nearby places of interest: Chion-in, Shōren-in, Maruyama Park and Yasaka Shrine
Satsuki at the Yūzen-en Garden.
Spring 春
Summer 夏
Autumn 秋
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