Patrick Vierthaler
Myōshin-ji Chōkei-in
妙心寺 長慶院
Yet another of the 46 sub-temples, Chōkei-in (also spelled “Chokay-in” on their official social media) is located just to the north of Keishun-in. It is usually not open for visit, but has first opened for a few days in 2019 to make the wisterias found in its gardens accessible to the public. And while this first visit was a well-guarded secret back then, the temple has subsequently become very popular among Japanese Instagrammers, with some issues in the years 2021–22 — which may be, if one knows the love of Japanese for wisterias, not very surprising. And while the garden is not very interesting in terms of landscape architecture, the wisteria are a nice sight.
Other than that, the temple does regular openings for Yoga classes, pet shelters, and other events. If you are curious about this place, best check out their Facebook or Instagram for any announcements.
Admission: open for a few days in April and for other special events.
Nearby places of interest: Keishun-in, Daihō-in, Daishin-in, Taizō-in, Tōrin-in

Whisterias at the garden of Chōkei-in.
Whisteria Special Opening / 藤の特別拝 観