Patrick Vierthaler
The Philosopher’s Walk
The Philosopher’s Walk, jp. Tetsugaku no Michi (哲学の道) is a lovely stone-paved road leading roughly two kilometers from Ginkaku-ji in the north to Nanzen-ji in the south. It is named philosopher’s walk due to the anecdote that Nishida Kitarō, a professor of philosophy at nearby Kyoto University, used to take his regular strolls there. Along the path, there are benches to sit down, shops to buy foods and small presents.
Due to its high popularity, the path gets VERY crowded during spring and autumn season. Although, as you see, it is not impossible to enjoy the path quietly even during the best time, be aware that during the day, you may not be able to walk properly in early April and late November.
Admission: free
Nearby places of interest: Ginkaku-ji, Hōnen-in, Anraku-ji, Reikan-ji, Otoyo-jinja, Eikan-dō, Nanzen-ji

Morning at the Philosopher's Walk during Sakura season. April 2018.
Spring 春

Summer 夏

Winter 冬